Symposium Objectives

  1. Elevate Global Awareness and Acceptance of Cultivating Sago Palm: Launch a global campaign to raise awareness of the sago palm for its i) nutritional values, ii) role in food security and sustainable food systems, iii) role in ecosystem rehabilitation and restoration of degraded landscapes, particularly peatlands, and iv) its potential to sequester carbon.

  2. Promote Alignment with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Align the objectives of cultivation and utilisation of sago palm with the United Nations SDGs, specifically the goals of ending hunger, achieving food security, promoting sustainable agriculture, and taking action on climate change.

  3. Foster Collaborative International Research and Innovation: Establishment of an international joint research initiative for the sago palm. The objectives would be to promote wider use of the sago palm for nutritional purposes through processing innovations, exploit its agricultural potential through breeding programmes to improve resilience and yield and capitalise on potential environmental benefits by developing sustainable farming practices that contribute to ecological rehabilitation.

  4. Strengthen Policy Support and Investment for Sago Palm Cultivation and Use: Develop strategies and policies that support the sustainable cultivation and utilisation of the sago palm. Work with governments, NGOs, and the private sector to advocate for policies and secure investments that facilitate research, sago palm cultivation, and market development of sago palm products, highlighting the role of sago palms in food security and ecosystem restoration.

  5. Enhance Knowledge Exchange and Capacity Building: Organise workshops, training and knowledge-sharing platforms for farmers, researchers, policymakers and entrepreneurs. Focus on improving knowledge and skills related to the sustainable cultivation, processing, and commercialisation of the sago palm to enhance food security, economic opportunities and environmental restoration efforts globally. Create a community that supports the growth of the sago palm sector in a socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable manner.