Call for Papers

The 15th International Sago Symposium is now inviting the submission of papers on topics relevant to the conference theme for oral/poster presentations. Prospective authors are invited to submit their abstract and full paper. Technical papers on aspects related to (but not limited to) the scope of the symposium is invited for oral presentation.


  • Authors are requested to submit one page abstract in English by 30 June 2024.
  • Abstract should contain title of abstract, author (s) name (s), affiliation and an outline of the problem examined, the methods used in study, a statement of the result and conclusions (Refer to Abstract Guideline).
  • All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the Scientific Committee based on their relevance, significance, and scientific merit.
  • Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified about the subsequent steps in the process.

Full Paper

  1. Upon ACCEPTANCE, authors are required to submit Full Paper in English by 30th August 2024.
  2. Ensure your full paper adheres to the specified guidelines for formatting and content (Refer to Full Paper Guideline).
  3. Paper must not have been published anywhere and has order as follow:
    • Title of paper
    • Authors name(s), institution/company name, and addresses
    • Abstract (max. 400 words)
    • Introduction (research background and objective)
    • Materials and Methods (if applicable)
    • Result and Discussion
    • Conclusion
  4. The full paper must be between 6 and 10 pages in length, with single line spacing. This includes pictures, figures, and tables, which should comprise no more than 25% of the total content.


Please submit abstract/full paper in both Microsoft Word.doc or .docx format and PDF format to: as an attached file.