Full Paper Guidelines

Quick Guide

  1. The full paper must be submitted in ENGLISH. Those whose first language is not English are strongly advised to have their manuscripts checked by a proficient third party before submission.
  2. Submit the full paper in both Word Document (.doc or .docx) and PDF (.pdf) format.
  3. The template for the Full Paper can be downloaded HERE.
  4. Deadline for submission of full paper is 30th August 2024

Page Layout

  1. Paper size A4 (210mm x 297mm) portrait (vertical) layout.
  2. Margin setting: 25 mm on top, 20 mm on bottom, left and right


  1. The title must be in Times New Roman, 14-point, bold, centered, single-spaced, and capitalize the first letter.


  1. Author names must be in Times New Roman, 12-point, centered, bold, single-spaced, and placed below the title.
  2. List each author in the following order: first name, middle name (if applicable), and surname.
  3. Follow each author's name with superscripted numbers corresponding to their respective affiliations.
  4. Indicate the corresponding author with an asterisk (*) and provide their email address.


  1. Affiliations must be in Times New Roman, 9-point, italic, single-spaced, and placed just below the author names. Different affiliations should be identified with different superscripted numbers.
  2. If all authors share the same affiliation, no superscripted number is required.
  3. Separate each affiliation with a coma.
  4. The corresponding author's email should be in Times New Roman, 9-point, italic, centered, single-spaced, and located just below the affiliation section.


  1. The abstract should come at the beginning of your paper.
  2. The abstract must be in English.
  3. Preferably 6 pages including its abstract (up to 250 words)
  4. Use Times New Roman, 9-point, single-spaced, and justified.
  5. The key words should be listed at the end of the abstract, not more than 5 keywords.
  6. Capitalize the first letter of the first word of each keyword.
  7. Separate each keyword by a coma.

Body of the Paper

  1. This includes Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions and References.
  2. Use Times New Roman, 9-point, single-spaced, and justified.
  3. Type your text in two columns with 8 mm space in between.
  4. Headings: No.1 head (chapter): Use lowercase characters in bold type and capitalize the first letter. Start from the left margin.
  5. No.2 head (section): Use lowercase characters and capitalize the first letter. Start from the left margin.
  6. No.3 head (sub-section): List items with no line space between them.
  7. Keep a 1-line space between sections.
  8. Indent two spaces at the first line of the second paragraph onwards.

Figures, Tables, Photos and Equations

  1. Use a clear photos and colour prints are acceptable.
  2. The figures, tables and photos should be placed on the same page of the text. If space is limited, however, they can be arranged on the following page.
  3. When referring to figures, photos, tables and equations in the text, use "Fig.", "Table." and "Eq.". "Equation (1)" should be used at the beginning of a sentence. All drawings and photos are referred as "Fig.".
  4. Use 9-point Times New Roman, single-spaced, and justified.
  5. The first letter of the table title and figure should be capitalized.
  6. The table title should be shown in the upper part of the table whereas the figure title should be shown in the lower part.
  7. Equations should be marked with serial numbers, and enclose the equations' numbers in round parentheses and place them flush-right in the column
  8. Keep 1-line space between the table / figure / equation and its title.


  1. The "author and year" style of reference citation should be used in the main text.
  2. If there is more than one publication in the same year for the same author(s) or even more than two authors, the letters "a", "b"
  3. "References" should be arranged alphabetically beginning with the first author's family name, and then chronologically for the same author's literature.
  4. If the first author's name and year of publication are the same for more than one book, the references are arranged in the order of single authors, dual authorship, and three or more authors' literature.